
Implementation of main graph-based model.

This module contains the implementation of the main graph-based model.



Predicts a probability for a new edge from a node to the last node in the graph.

GraphModel(model_core, entity_label, …)

Main model class for the graph-based models.


sketchgraphs_models.graph.model.make_graph_model(hidden_size, feature_dimensions, message_passing_rounds=3, readout_edge_features=True, readout_entity_features=True, readin_edge_features=None, readin_entity_features=None)

Create a graph model using the default inner architectural choices.

The main graph model architecture is described as a large number of specific networks assembled together. This function chooses the architecture of all these networks from a couple of parameters to be specified.

  • hidden_size (int) – An integer parameter controlling the width of layers in the network.

  • feature_dimensions (Dict[TargetType, List[int]]) – A dictionary describing the size of attribute features for each target type.

  • message_passing_rounds (int) – An integer parameter controlling the number of message passing rounds in the model core.

  • readout_edge_features (bool) – If true, indicates that the model should predict and output logits for edge features. Otherwise, edge feature prediction tasks are ignored.

  • readout_entity_features (bool) – If true, indicates that the model should predict and output logits for entity features. Otherwise, entity feature prediction tasks are ignored.

  • readin_edge_features (bool, optional) – If True, indicates that the model should use edge features as inputs. Otherwise, ignores input edge features (and only considers edge labels). If None, set to the same value as readout_edge_features. Note that setting this to a different value than readout_edge_features will prevent meaningful generation from the model.

  • readin_entity_features (bool, optional) – If True, indicates that the model should use entity features as inputs. Otherwise, ignores input entity features (and only considers entity labels). If None, set to the same value as readout_entity_features.


A new GraphModel instance with the default architecture.

Return type




This module implements the necessary code to compute losses from the output of the graph model.


This module contains the components of the graph model associated with handling the message passing.


This module contains the components of the graph model that are concerned with handling numerical features associated with edges and nodes.